話說雖然覺得SCB自己絕對沒機會但還是聊勝於無的報名了下,也通過了性格測驗、Numerical & Abstract Test(網路上有蠻多這一類型的測驗,多找幾個多練習幾遍即可),到了Video Interview的這一天。
渣打(Standard Chartered)應屆畢業生招聘論壇→對岸強大的同學們很樂於分享,這個論壇提供了相當多有用的資訊,建議每一關都上去收集下相關資訊應該會很有幫助。
看前人的網誌會發現SCB以前其實都是Phone Interview,聽說會有印度人直接打來,但今年改成VI了,不知是不是要節省成本的關係。Anyway,我對廣大的中國網友真的是抱著深深的感激,因為他們很早就把今年VI的試題給做完分享給大家了,只要你願意Google一下都可以看的到大家VI的心得。看看下面那些題目,用中文講都不一定講的出來更何況用英文,所以建議大家well-prepared,上場時才能無礙。
SCB IG Video Interview 2016
Complete set of questions asked:
1. Tell us about the project or piece of work from University that are most proud of (3MINS)
2. What motivates you to collaborate with others
3.Imagine you are aksed to evaluate a large and complex set of data for your manager, how would you feel about this lind of taks and how would you plan to work
4.Have you ever had to recover from a major setback
5.To ensure our clients are happy, we must invest a lot of time serving their needs, even when we are really busy, how would you achieve great client satisfaction alongside other pressures.
6.how do you feel when others ask you for advice relating to an important decision
7.when was the last time you had adapt your style of communication for someone in a management role or senior position
8.when was the last time you made a big mistake in a piece of work and what did you learn from it
9.Imagine it is your first month in your graduate role, who would you seek to build relationships with and how would you do this
10.what personal charcateristics have contributed the most to your success to date